Welcome to the garden of coloring activity and brain games!

We hope you enjoy spending time with your child as you guide them through these fun challenges. These activities for toddlers and children, in general, are designed to be interactive, so we invite you to use the Parent prompt usually at the bottom of each page.

Interaction with toddler

Toddlers are so curious! They love to explore their surroundings and learn new things. One way you can encourage this exploration is by engaging in interactive play with your toddler. This can involve activities like:

Toddler coloring activity

Toddler coloring activity is a fun game that can help toddlers learn to identify different colors. With a few simple supplies, you can have your toddler coloring away!

To begin, gather some items that your toddler loves: coloring page, small colored image model, and a small container to store the coloring materials.
Printful pages for toddler are the perfect tool for this activity. Collect a variety of different colors and put them in a small container. Give your toddler a colored pencil for drawing and let them start coloring away!

If your toddler is older, you can also give them a small maze and assist him to color and solve it. You can use a variety of free printful activities pages that you can find on our site.

Interactions with your toddler can strengthen your bond!

One of the best things you can do for your relationship with your toddler is to have regular interactions. This doesn’t have to be an hour-long sit-down every day, but getting to know each other and having fun together is a great way to strengthen your bond.