The Importance of Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) in Children and How it Affects Their Lives

What is Developmental Co-ordination Disorder?

Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, also known as Dyspraxia, is a disability that affects the way a person moves.

This disorder can affect an individual’s motor skills and their ability to do things like grip objects or control their body in space. Developmental Co-ordination Disorder is common in children, with about 3% of kids diagnosed with it.

What Causes DCD and How Can it be Treated?

Dyspraxia is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to plan, control and execute physical movements. It may also affect the person’s speech, language, literacy and social skills.

There are many symptoms of dyspraxia that can vary from person to person. Some of these symptoms include: lack of balance or coordination (especially in infancy), trouble with fine motor skills (such as holding a pencil or buttoning), trouble with gross motor skills (such as running or jumping), poor posture and muscle tone, difficulty understanding verbal instructions, difficulty following directions in sequential order, clumsiness and awkwardness.

What Causes DCD and How Can it be Treated?

Dyspraxia is a neurological condition that affects the brain's ability to control the muscles involved in movement, speech and thought. It is a lifelong condition with no cure.

The causes of dyspraxia are still unknown, but it is thought to be genetic or caused by environmental factors such as alcohol consumption during pregnancy. There are various treatments available for dyspraxia that may include occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy depending on the severity of the condition.

The Importance of a Dyspraxia Treatment & What You Can Do to Help Your Child

Dyspraxia is a neurological disorder that affects the child’s ability to plan, organize and carry out motor tasks.
It is important for paren

ts to understand their child’s condition so that they can provide the necessary support and guidance. It is also important for parents to be aware of the signs of dyspraxia in order to get their child diagnosed as soon as possible.

The best way you can help your child with dyspraxia is by getting them diagnosed early on in life and providing them with therapeutic exercises.
