You have toddlers? Listening and validating their feelings is the best way...

I am not a parent and will never be one but I would give anything to take the wrath of your child.

You are a parent. You have a child. You know what it means to be the most important person in their life. You know how much you would do for them, how much you would give up for them.

But what about you? What about your needs? Your wants? Your dreams?

You are not going to be able to meet all of theirs and they are not going to be able to meet all of yours. That is just the way it is and there is nothing wrong with that. But it will make you feel guilty sometimes, right?
And when you do want something for yourself, when you need some me-time or some space, your child will lash out at you because they don't understand why their needs don't come first. They don't understand why they can't.

Toddler parents give yourself a break

Give yourself a break, too. Take some distance if your child has pushed you to the point where you feel you can't react without yelling or spanking. You can be on the verge of giving up every day, depending on a child's disposition.

Consider inviting another caretaker in, if possible. You have to manage this, I'm about to lose it, say to them. Leave the area and come back once you have calmed down.
Even if you're alone, keep trying to take the same break. Try to recognize your own feelings; gradually, this will help your kids to do the same. You may say that Mommy is currently really irritated due to this "..." issue. Two minutes are required. I need that space. You might also try calling a friend or relative to calm you down so you can detach yourself from those angry feelings. To be able to interact once more, you only need that moment of quiet.

A story :

My young child once became so enraged that he began repeatedly bashing his head on the TV cabinet that we were forced to visit the ER at 10 p.m. He was in a terrible spot as a result of this.
This is a story about parenting and how to deal with anger.
No one likes to see their child in pain, but it’s hard to know what to do when they are angry and frustrated.
Parents often feel like they have no idea what they are doing wrong and that there is nothing they can do to help their children.

The best way to relax toddler

One of the best ways parents can help their children with anger management is by listening and validating their feelings. This will give them a sense of relief and make them less likely to lash out or hit themselves in the head over and over again.
